angshuang casandra cassandra caris celeste charmainelee charmainelow chenghong chengyee cheryl chineseblog clara clarissa crystal dawn hoekang isabel jamie janell janet jialing jianyou jiayan jiepin junyi kaixiang limin lixin mandy marcus mark maureen michelle mingwei muhammad natalie nicole nicolemak noella pearl qiurui rachel rachellam raey sabrina samuel serene sharon sinyee sophia sumei tingwei toby vicki vivian weeqin weige weilee wenting wenxin wilson xinxin xueyi yangzhi yijia yiren yuehuan yuhua yulong zhangyang zina
Haha hello :D
30/5 was a happyhappy day! Wheeeeeeeee :D Haha, Wenxin's 14 now! So is Cassandra! Hoho.
"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to Wenxin,
Happy birthday to you!!!!!!!!!"
"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to Cassandra,
Happy birthday to you!!!!!"
8D And I did not copy and paste that. Haha.
Met Dawn at Tampines Mall at 11am to shop for Wenxin's present. We ended up going into every single shop cause we couldn't decide what to buy for her. LOL. Plus we stepped into Precious Thots like four times cause we also couldn't decide whether or not to get the pencilcase. We did in the end, it's so pretty :D Heehaw. Went to Orchard after that, cause we'd be meeting Wenxin there since she had Math supplementary ): Then we found out that to get to Cineleisure we actually should have dropped off at Somerset o.o Heehee, Sinyee helped alot then. Haha, had to call her to get directions from her. She said she was like my personal guide through Orchard Road :D Heh, thank you ♥ Bought movie tickets and went to meet Wenxin. Had Pastamania for lunch and Miss Wenxin very proudly declared like 9times[I kept count :D] that she has never been to Pastamania in her life. She said that 5times in a minute and the other four on our way up there o.o LOL. Anyway finished eating and went upstairs to chat while waiting for the movie to start. Wenxin starting going high and shaking the tables o.o And she got high over other people's matters. Haha, weirdo. Oh, and Narnia is awesomeeeeeeeeeeee :D Damn nice. And the songs are nice too! Though there are only like three of them, lol. But alot of parts are kinda shocking and we were like screaming for quite a number of them. Heh. I won't mind watching it again, well actually I think I will be :D Yay! Heehee 8D
Had to rush back after the movie cause Wenxin had dance ): But we took pictures! I'm still waiting for Dawn to post them so i can kup them from her blog :D Heh. Hmm, then met Mummy and Daddy at Suntec for dinner. Got home at 11.30.
Yeah, guess that's about it. It's amazing how I'm still not sleepy when it's like 1am now o.o Too hyper already. Heehaw :D Got tuition tmr. Gah, nevermind, I should be a good girl and not dread tuition. LOL. And I'm gonna meet rachel, that's something to look forward too. Haven't seen her in a week ): Now you know how much I miss you ah. Haha. Ok, bye people 8D
P.S. I'm still hyper. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
I need to danceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ):
I miss dancing so badly. Oh man.
Viva makes me happy :D
Homework makes me mad >:(
Study session with Sinyee and Jon. Was quite fruitful, I guess. Completed my LA compre and history interview questions :D Heh. Left at about 6 cause Sinyee had to meet some person all the way at Clementi o.o bus-ed home with Jon.
History field trip! Man, y'know what? I HATE Japanese soldiers lah wth. They are so freaking cruel. Wl eh, seriously. At so many parts of the video I just looked up and said bloody assholes o.o They are so horrible ok, I tell you. I hate them like shit manxzszxzsxzszxs. Anw, went to a few places. Well actually, we went to three places -.-
Battlebox It was awesome. The wax figurines were so real, y'know Char and I were sorta analysing them and we found out they even carve out the fats on the neck o.o Haha. And they have hair! LOL, I was telling Char that from the minute I saw the first figurine. Haha, the hair is real y'know! It's not painted on lah.
Changi Museum The chapel here was so pretty 8D The murals on the walls were really nice too, and we found out more about the Japanese soldiers and how they tortured people D: There's this form of torture whereby they stuff chopsticks into your ears and pop your eardrums O: Damn gross. Oh, and Char Clara and I were flipping through the books at the souvenir shop and we found a Clara Carrot! Haha, Clara took a picture of it :D
Kranji War Memorium It was really serene there, though Char and I were a bit freaked out at the beginning and held hands. Haha. Had a little ceremony there, as a level, Wenning was our flag bearer :]
Oh, and our guide is a bit uh, weird. Ok, maybe very weird, seriously. It was really uh, disturbing o.o
Went home after that with Sinyee Char Cheryl Chengyee Mark and Jon. And Toby ran off with my phone D: At first it was my entire bag, then he returned me my bag and took my phone instead o.o Thanks alot man. Scared the hell out of me lah. At Bedok I thought my phone would be gone for good(cause some smart aleck got off and hid my phone under the seat -.-), then Qingang found it. Thank goodness he did, or I'd be living without a phone now.
Went to Tampines Mall with Sinyee Cheryl Jon and Sanpeng. Slacked around at the open plaza, Cheryl did jibengong :D Haha, and I practised splits! Heehaw.
"I must do a proper right split by the end of this holiday.
I must do a proper right split by the end of this holiday.
I must do a proper right split by the end of this holiday."
Yeah man 8D Had KFC for dinner, yeahyeahhhhh. Hoho. Then bus-ed home with Jon again.
Mark, get well soon k? Must get well then can go enjoy the holidays :D Jiayoujiayou! You'll be fine, don't worry 8)
Ok, I know I haven't been posting :X I know. And the level camp post is wayyyyyyyyyy overdue so I think I'll skip that one. Let's just say that I had lotsa fun and made new friends and all that :D oh, and I ♥ PSYCHIC! Oh, and of course I ♥ RIGHTKICK :D Heh, mirror groups rock. Man, I miss level camp ): I miss shiuwen and jieyu too ):
Okay, anw I have got to post about fast&fresh! Like seriously, which other performance lets you skip classes for like 3 days in a week? And priscilla skipped 4! Which means she skipped every day of the week, since Monday was Vesak Day. Wow huh.
Tech run day, meaning we got to skip school straight after flag raising :D Went to The Arts House to rehearse all our plays[Life As It Is; A Knight Thing; To you, With love; Stops; Loss] with the lights and everything. The place was awesome. Blackboxes are seriously amazing and they just make the whole performance so much more engaging. Had KFC for lunch with Charmaine, Jamie and Raey ♥ Reminds me of level camp :D
"Why am I KFC?
Cause you're finger lickin' gooddddddddd!"
Ahaha, Instructor Rashid :] By the time we got back to school it was nearing 3, so we skipped third lang as well, to practice :D
Performance day. It was so super awesome, I tell you. We skipped school straight after flag raising again and started rehearsals. Saw our costumes, totally Ah Beng material. Had fun styling Yihern's hair while waiting for the rest. It was an awesome sight, you should have seen :D Heh. Then went through Ah Beng training by Jess, Benjamin and Siyun. LOL, it was funny. Hmm, then rehearsed blahblahblah. Make up time! Cause all of us very cleverly didn't bring our own make up sets[all except Priscilla :D], we had to use the make up sets from the EDS room, which according to Jess, Benjamin and Siyun, are from EDS Night '06 :D It's a wonder I didn't get a breakout from using it. So the seniors did our make up for us. Jess did my foundation, Benjamin did my blusher and Quan huan did my eyes :D And Ben is really good with blusher[see, I appreciate your artistic talent ok.] And Quan huan did an amazing job with everyone's eyes. And she only had black and silver eyeshadow. Pro right. Then school ended and everyone started walking by the D&D room[we were outside it] and staring at us like we were some kinda circus freaks. LOL. Saw Yulong in the canteen and he was staring at us like O.O WTH all the way. Hahaha. Made our way to The Arts House after that. Performance was alright I guess, though I don't think I was man enough o.o LOL. Oh, Please was hilarious. And Charmaine and Tingwei couldn't stop talking about the gay secretary. Seriously, Tingwei was still talking about him on the way home. LOL. Hmm, had subway for dinner with Char :D Damn filling man. Night performance was better, I think I was more man :D
Normal school day. The journey back was fun though. And very funny :D Rachel and I couldn't stop laughing when we got to tanah merah.
"[due to some particular reasons]
R: Huh, you getting off here ah? Man, we should have gotten off at Bedok man! Can buy sweets!
R+N: -stares at each other- HAHAHAHA.
[after getting off the train]
N: Eh, never get off leh.
R: Yah hor. I think too paiseh already.
N: Haha, yah.
R+N: -start re-enacting the haribo scene :D"
Omg, this day was crazy. My phone was off on Thursday night, cause I was doing work and wanted to concentrate. Then on Friday morning when I turned it on I had like 8 new messages and ALL OF THEM were about fast&fresh. And guess what. WE MADE IT TO THE FINALS. Like omg wth lah. I was half asleep when I turned on my phone and when I saw all the messages I think my eyeballs bounced out of their sockets or what lah. I was damn hyper. And began replying every message with OMGOMGOMGOMG. HAHAHA. Started high-ing to people too :D You know there are like 20 shortlisted groups and all of them were darn good AND WE MADE IT TO TOP 8 OMG WTH OMG. That's why I was high. I seriously thought we didn't stand a chance lah. Omggggggggg. So, skipped school again for rehearsals. Was damn happy until something happened in the morning. Shan't elaborate on that, wasn't very pleasant. Anw, got called up by Sanpeng to go help decorate the open house board, so we spent time painting cardboard and rehearsing our lines. Went through the play a few times after that and rushed back to class to get our report books. Haha. Hmm, thenthenthen we started rehearsing in the D&D room then started with make up. Had some problem with foundation today. I seemed to have gotten tanner just after a day. No foundation seemed to suit me, they all made me seem too fair o.o Yes, the geisha type of fair D: So ended up using Char's foundation[she brought a whole bag of them :D] which was just nice for me. Thanks darling, love you loads ♥ Quan huan did an amazing job with my eyes again :D She's amazing. Set off for The Arts House after that cause we were running late. Oh, there's where all the fanciful make up came in :D And when I say fanciful, I mean REALLY FANCIFUL. Sanpeng, a.k.a. David Gan of the next generation whipped out an eyeliner pencil+eyebrow pencil and started giving us eyebrows+moustaches+goatees+tattoos of different styles. LOL, poor Chingying got a black eye, mole and scar. Char had thick black eyebrows and those typa dotted moustache+beard and tattoo; Priscilla got matching 'M' shaped brows+moustache; Jamie got a goatee and tattoo; Ziying had MSN emoticon expressions drawn on her face and an ANTM-gone-way-wrong hairstyle. LOL, the poor girl. I had thicker eyebrows and a goatee. LOL, afternoon show went well I guess. At least I didn't screw up :D Then after the show, we were all too ashamed to go out, so we ended up having people to buy dinner for us :D Thanks Vanessa! Ok, now for the night performance. It was ZE BEST. Best performance ever. And thank you Angshuang♥ for the little note, that little bit of encouragement went a longlong way :D Dual//Duel was awesome. Super awesome. Oh, Please and Playground Politics were invited back to perform! And Char was going googoogaga over the gay secretary again. I bet Tingwei was too. Haha. Hmm, Dual//Duel won Best Production, meaning overall winner lah. They deserved it, they were really good :D A Knight Thing won Best Ensemble! And Vanessa got honoured for Best Actress! We were screaming like mad chickens :D Haha. Gave hugs to many people after that. Mummy and Daddy came to pick me up, then left for home. Fast&Fresh was awesomeeeeeeeeee.
It was ok, I guess. Though we did have a lot of fun :D Drank lots and lots of ribena[EDS supplied ribena!]. Went around with Raey with capes and the Kaleidoscope dance signs. Haha.
"R: I'm the angel of death.
N: I'm the devil of life.
R+N: MUAHAHAHA. Come to the EDS booth! :D"
HAHAHA. Damn cute. Hmm, got bullied by a certain somebody but maureen came to my rescue :D Heehaw. She was protecting me the whole day! But when she left I got bullied ): My cheeks suffered alot. ROAR YOU'RE EVIL MAN. LOL, but i managed to snag a lollipop out of you, so nevermind. Heh, lollipops make me happy :D Haha, so if you wanna make me happy, just get me a bagful of lollipops! Yay! Haha, LOL.
Went to TM to get mummy's and michelle jiejie's birthday present. Was freaking tired and had a headache O: Horrible. I hate headaches ): Anw, I know I've said it lots of times but I'll never get tired of saying it just one more time. I ♥ EDS!
It's a really long post, so get ready.
It's over ): Yeah, it is. All the months of hard work, staying back till all sorts of unearthly hours, worrying over whether we would complete our dance in time etc. It was all for last night, and it paid off. EDS Night '08 kicked ass. It rocked.
It was near perfection- the plays were superb; the dancers went full out. Even our level dance(which probably caused many sleepless nights and hair-wrenching moments) was awesome.
Viva was GREAT. I know it was. It was the opening and it rocked. Well, everything rocked, but yeah, viva was special. The song was power, and much as we were jumping around and screaming while waiting to go on stage, we just put on huge smiles the moment the music and lights were on. I'm still listening to the music now, because I love it alot. I remember when it was the killer test week, that was the only song I listened to while mugging cause it never failed to wake me up whenever I was about to drift into dreamland. After viva ended, all of us were like Omg, I did it! and we were really happy, at least I was.
Fire was probably just as good as ever, based on what I've observed from the many rehearsals they've had. I didn't get to catch it though, cause we were busy changing into our level dance costumes. But I know, for sure, that they were loud, cause we could hear them chanting from the toilets, and that meant they were really loud. "Extinguish the flame, you are no more to blame!" That was our cue. Haha.
Level dance was just wow. I dare say that I gave it my all, and after the night performance I was jumping for joy(literally). I know I smiled, not because i had to or the seniors would kill me(heh), but because I was truly happy, and the crowd was cheering like mad the moment the curtains opened, and I could hear the Jubix people cheering. That was like a serious bonus, I totally forgot about the fact that Bevan would be assessing us, and just gave it my best shot. I was really, really happy :D
Touched with Fire was like always- sinister and bloody. LOL. Could hear them from the second level of backstage :D "Dead, dead, everybody's dead. We got more money when everybody's dead, dead, dead!"
Mr Ken's monologue was just amazing, as always. Could hear Wilson's signature laughter(the usual outburst of KABOOM laughter) throughout the whole thing. Everytime the audience laughed, Char and I would look at each other and say "That's Wilson, again." Haha.
Year 3 level dance was sexy. They did it better than ever and all of them were amazing. They were even practising it before intermission had ended. They deserved the cheers, and they deserved the credit.
Year 4 level dance was about the best of the three. The seniors totally owned the crowd, the moment they got on stage people started cheering crazily, especially when Low started playing, and when the coats were off. It was beautiful, Danceworks: Centrestage really brought them to the centre of the attention.
Fairytrail was perfect. The night audience was so awesome I actually enjoyed my whole time on stage, and that meant no signs of anxiety whatsoever. Amazing, isn't it? For the night show something extra happened, something totally unplanned- Jamie's comb broke in the midst of smacking my butt. See lah, tell you don't hit so hard already. Then all three of us were like OMG, WTH JUST HAPPENED? and I just picked up the comb and started acting stupid o.o Overall, Fairytrail was gorgeous. The ending was just reallyreally high, and we all just started jumping around and flashing megawatt smiles :D
Encore item was just hilarious. And the seniors are amazing, I tell you. On that day itself, during the rehearsals, so many of them weren't able to get their lines right, nor could they get their positioning correct. But during the actual performance, be it matinée or night, the whole play just flowed like they'd done it forever. I guess that's why we call them seniors :D
The final ending was beautiful. When we all came together as one big EDS family, it was really warm and I could feel the love in the air. The audience was still awesome, what with the screams and cheers, and at the end of it everyone was hugging everyone. I hugged so many people from all four levels that I can't even recall who I hugged cause I was just too happy. I felt so loved and so lucky to be in EDS, like seriously. That type of feeling you get when everyone's just hugging people blindly without even taking a look to confirm if they're worth hugging, it's just really great.
Ok, now for the thanks.
Thank you,
Bevan: For choreographing such awesome and wonderful dances and being such an awesome dance instructor. You've given us way more than we could have asked for. Viva was such an amazing dance, I had so much fun and joy during practices. Thanks for the roses, you're the best dance instructor we could ever ask for.
Mien: You were such a great drama teacher, and you were more like a friend to us than a teacher. Thanks for letting us look stupid enough to be called "the ugly stepsisters" and thank you so much for never blowing your top at us. We must have made you mad enough to pull the trigger at all of us sometime through the journey but you never screamed at us, let alone scold us. Thanks a whole lot :D
Tzelin, Vanessa, June, Samantha, Limei for helping with the dance make up. Especially Tzelin who made my eyes so pretty for the matinée performance, and Samantha who practically did the whole of my make up for the night performance.
Vanessa, Tzelin, June for helping us with the sharpening and polishing of our dance steps. They made our dance nicer for the night performance, so you people should thank them as well.
Limei for your really cute note. And yes, you're a super awesome senior!
Eleanor and Wynne for giving us so many drama tips, and telling us our areas for improvement after every play. Thanks so much.
(EDS members)
Sophia for your note, as well as the clip and rubberband.
Yihui for helping us so much, be it with mass dance or our level dance. You were always there when we needed someone to guide us along. Thank you so very much.
Angelina for your postcard and hersheys chocolate.
Yue Huan for your bag of marshmallows and note, as well as for the dance tee!
Roseline and Elaine for the M'n'Ms, oreo and gummies.
Roseline for your blue note with my big name in front :D
Elaine for your really long and motivational note.
Anthea for your cute little note with my name in GOLD.
Samantha for such a bright orange note and a Timeout bar. Orange's my favourite colour!
Regina for the pretty black and silver note and a mini toblerone.
Amanda for your little note, it was the first one I got that night :D
Siyun for the mallowblast!
Jessica for being such an awesome mummy and helping us with our costume and props!
Zona for bringing so much laughter to us. And for the Pocky you always supplied us with during rehearsals!
San Peng for being such a crapper. It was really hard having to pretend to like you but I survived. Haha.
Benjamin for being so ridiculous, and for prancing around during rehearsals so that we would have something else to laugh about.
Sumei for your cookies and brownies. Even if you put poison in them, they were really yummy, so I wouldn't mind taking the risk :D and thanks for the pictures!
Rachel for that pretty "Dance is Love" drawing you gave me, and thanks for the ride to the auditorium!
Jia Ling for being so sweet and all. We've had many close-to-kissing moments and you've never failed in making me end all of them with a scream. Ahaha.
Cassandra for being such a comedian. You've brought so much joy to our lives and I love you for that.
Casandra for always being there for me to pour out my frustrations to. I think your eardrums burst already right :X Heh. Ily!
Weeqin for being my fellow La buddy! La1 + La2 = ♥ You're so blur you make all of us laugh. Thanks for being there!
Charmaine for being such an awesome stepsister cum drama buddy. Everytime it's some EDS thingo there'll only be the two of us from Jubix. Thanks so so mush. I love you!
Wenxin for being my best friend for 7 years and counting. Thanks for being such a dear and although you always scold me all sorts of weird stuff(o.o) I still love you as much!
Jamie for being so crazy at times I just wanna tape your mouth up. Haha. You're my dance and drama buddy and I thank you for that. Loads <3
Raey for being such a nice person- nice enough to add 288 Fairytrail photos into our MSN sharing folders. Heh. Thanks!
Yu Siang for being the Siang Siang that you've always been, being such an amazing crew leader in Fairytrail :D
Charlotte for the pretty red rose!
Desirae, Daryl, Zhiyi, Weilee, Bridget for wishing the year two dancers good luck on our level dance.
Sharon and Kimberly for the big orange lollipop! Thanks a whole lot <3
The Jubix audience for the sunflower! It's so pretty!
Everyone for the cheers!
All the people who wished me good luck!
EDS Night '08 was a success. I'll miss the year fours like mad after handover, they're all so nice! Omg O: And sophia! Don't cry, because you know that we always love you! Was controlling my tears yesterday(when vanessa gave that super touching speech and when sophia cried) cause I didn't want to and couldn't afford to ruin my make up, considering the fact that I still had Fairytrail after level dance.
"I want you to touch the audience with your dance. Make Bevan cry."
"You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart"
-EDS Dance tee, courtesy of Yue Huan :D

"We bright, you dim.
Ha-ha, He-he.
We rock, you flop.