angshuang casandra cassandra caris celeste charmainelee charmainelow chenghong chengyee cheryl chineseblog clara clarissa crystal dawn hoekang isabel jamie janell janet jialing jianyou jiayan jiepin junyi kaixiang limin lixin mandy marcus mark maureen michelle mingwei muhammad natalie nicole nicolemak noella pearl qiurui rachel rachellam raey sabrina samuel serene sharon sinyee sophia sumei tingwei toby vicki vivian weeqin weige weilee wenting wenxin wilson xinxin xueyi yangzhi yijia yiren yuehuan yuhua yulong zhangyang zina
$7.80 worth of Milk Toast!
Orchard with Rachel and Sinyee ytd was tons of fun :D
Thanks for the day y'all, I enjoyed every minute of it (esp all the pigging out HAHAHA)
I shall write in point form cause y'all are probably tired after the long wordy christmas post :x
- Took 14 w Rachel but missed the Orchard stop and went all the way to Grange Road so we walked two bus stops back :D I know, we rock haha.
- Lunch @ Wisma
- Bought $7.80 worth of milk toast from St. Leaven's! As much as a pig I am, two out of the six were mine. As for the other four, they were all um, Rachel's (: HAHAHA.
- Rachel got a free red balloon from the SMU people, and we signed up for some SMU Campus Green thing.
- Went over to Heeren cause some guy told us they were giving out free thumbdrives HAHA :x We stood there for really long complaining that the thumbdrives were nowhere to be seen, then some guy came to us trying to get us to video some New Year Resolution thingy. We got the thumbdrive after that, even though we didn't do anything, and we were happy aunties :D Btw now I have three copies of the same brochure by RazorTV o.o
- Went into HMV and tried to look for SHINee so Rachel could see, but couldn't find anything in the end :(
- Paragon cause I needed a drink pretty badly.
- Mark's & Spencers for Rachel's Percy the Pig gummies and my Simpsons chocolate(!!) but couldn't find both of them :(
- Sinyee came! :D
- Cotton On & Forever 21 @ Wisma. Cotton On sells comfy pants for $5 :D
- Taka's toy department to play with stuff :D They have this water marker thing, and Thomas rides on any tracks you draw! HAHA.
- Kino for fun and laughter! :D Laughed till my stomach hurt, and did the happy dance w Sinyee! HAHAHA. We did it once and collapsed to the ground laughing. Then Rachel went to put back some file she didn't even realise was in her hands, and we could only see her red balloon bobbing around o.o In the end we laughed so much the Kino lady came to shush us :x
- Went to kiddy shops to look at kiddy stuff :D
- Artfriend where Sinyee made friends with a black mark on her cheek haha.
- Went out cause Sinyee needed ice cream lol. Sat down and watched little children chase pigeons :D Oh and there was this girl who had a customised bag, those type with your face on it o.o Scary sia.
Sinyee smsed when I was at Potong Pasir that there was more stuff at the Plaza Sing Cotton On :(
So got her to buy for me first, gna pay her on tuesday heh :D
Char next time you must come too k!
Then we can all go mad again :D :D :D
Can't wait for the Jubix party on Tuesday!
Mahjong, anyone? :D
LOL, who am I kidding, it's like 2J. Where got don't want to play mahjong one :D
Yay tuesdayyy!
Tag replies!
rachel hahaha I posted alr! So now you can't post the b**** pictures :D though actually I don't think mine are very bad :/ still you can't post them! Hahaha.
mingwei noooo the cat is so scrawny!! Rhino is so much cuter can :D yeah when he tries to be evil he's like ten times cuter! And merry christmas to you too dear (:
sharon merry christmas! :D
dawn I miss you too :( and thanks so much for the gift, it's really cute :D merry christmas darling, love ya always! (:
janet hello! Merry christmas to you too, thanks for wishing! :D
hoekang haha I'm late too :x merry christmas back!
charmaine haha I just posted then I saw your tag. But nvm, I shall edit for you. Aren't you honoured? :D hahaha yay I posted alr, and you should see the ones in Rachel's phone that she isn't allowed to post :D bet you'll laugh like mad. Merry christmas to you too dear! Haha tuesday you can see my haircut in front of you lol.
Laughing all the way (HA HA HA!)
It's been a great christmas once again, and hopefully all of y'all had fun (:
Thanks for a great 2008, and to 2J, thanks for everything y'all have given me throughout the past two years. Everything ranging from love, joy, laughter and truckloads of fun!
And of course, EDS for making Mondays and Fridays always so enjoyable :D
And 6A for still being there after two long years, making each year better and better (:
I love all of y'all w every inch of my heart!
6A x'mas party 2008!
Was everything good :D
Met the party planners at @ Eastpoint to get stuff for the party.
Walked around and went to KFC cause the guys wanted breakfast.
Jiepin + Weihan = Interesting smses hahaha.
Qin ai de :D
Then talked while waiting for SKP to open so we could get the paper plates and stuff.
Got a log cake from Prima Deli, though it didn't taste very good .__.
Then we went to Eighteen Chefs to wait for them to open, reserved 20 seats and the guy there was like y'all sure you need 20 seats anot!! Haha.
Dawn arrived! :D
So went w her to wait for the others at the station, Li Ting and Junwei were alr there :x
Then ChengHong, Wenkai and Sinfai came (:
Went back to Eighteen Chefs and started ordering!
Walked back to Hoekang's house after lunch carrying the bags of drinks omg so heavy.
Hoekang was being a retard, tried to walk like a gangster but he ended up looking like he had fits O.O
And Kelvin walked so close to the poor lady in front of us I think he scared her away haha.
ChengHong, Wenkai and Junwei walked so quick they turned into the wrong lane and we ended up screaming at them that they were going the wrong way lol.
Reached Hoekang's house and started playing the christmas carols, and took out the mahjong table!
:D :D :D
My luck was like rlly good after a while cause when I was zhuang I hu-ed like four times in a row so I was zhuang for five rounds haha :D
Then the rest wanted to play water games so we stopped mahjong, only left w me, ChengHong and Sinfai :(
So Dawn, Xiangmin, Weihan, Li Ting and I started playing this weird game on Hoekang's pool table, like we started rolling the balls into the different holes o.o
And I scratched Weihan alot of times (Jiepin don't kill me! o:) heh sorry :x
Mm then we cut the log cake :D
And Shelton very conveniently talked w food in his mouth so a piece of nugget flew out of his mouth and landed on the cake O.O
So he got the biggest piece of cake HAHA.
ChengHong and Wenkai left after that and we played more mahjong!
But my luck was gone, Weihan kept winning though o.o
There was like a group of card players and mahjong people haha :D
(alot of people)Played the piano, including Weihan's magic fingers hahaha.
Gift exchange was super complicated o.o
Left! Right! Right! Left!
Hahaha in the end I got Jiepin's gift (thanks!) and Hoekang got mine (:
Then it was dinner!
Canadian pizza + Truth or Dare :D
Xueyi got the most dares o:
And Shelton picked the one that ChengHong wrote (haha that's the one you were asking about)
So we playedplayedplayed and somehow ended up in the room singing christmas carols :D
Wenxin called from M'sia!
And we sang Jingle Bells like twice to her hahaha.
And when it came to the Laughing all the way part, Dawn and I would always shout HA HA HA! after it (which explains the title hehe)
And Wenxin demanded that we shout 'We love Wenxin' so we did it straight into the mouthpiece :D
Probably took away 1/4 of her hearing alr hoho.
Sang alotalot of carols, and the Shrek version of Twelve Days of Christmas ownsss :D
Five Onion Ringggggssss~
So after that we took photos, cause Dawn's parents were on the way :(
Then people left, esp when Jiepin's dad came. She took five people in her car hahaha.
Gave hugs to all of them muaha I'm so nice HAHAHA :x
Stayed till my brother came to fetch me (yay Hoekang I know you're jealous that my brother can send me around :D) and Hoekang conveniently stuffed alot of extra stuff to me :/
All in all the party was greatt :D
Thanks for a spectacular time, and y'all know I love y'all :D
Christmas Eve Party :D
It was a pot luck party at my uncle's so spent the whole day cooking :/
Thank God they live next door haha.
Mm then Michelle Jiejie(my brother's gf) came over and we cooked more.
Got my x'mas gift from her and my brother :D
Thanks I love it! ♥
Walked over to my uncle's house at 7, though all of my cousin's friends were there alr D:
Dinner was great :D
Played Nintendo Wii after that, and we made tons of noise haha.
Then it was 9pm so my aunt came in to stop everyone cause she wanhted to watch The Little Nyonya HAHA.
And one of my cousin's friend(who was a guy) rushed in when he heard the theme song, like really flew in O.O
Btw my cousin's like 28 lol.
More Nintendo Wii after the show!
Bowling w my uncle is hilarious :D
Yknow the curveball thing that Mark and Zhangyang always try to do but always end up in the gutter?
My uncle tries to do that on the Wii and shouts CURVE AH! at the same time :D
To think he's like in his mid-fifties? Best :D
Then Indian Poker! Hehe w alcohol :x
Played w red wine at first but then we ran out, then changed to root beer float(which was revolting) and settled for Jolly Shandy in the end yay :D
I think I had like six cans of Shandy that night, including the ones I drank before the game o.o
Played Indian Poker all the way till 1plus, then continued on Wii :D
In the end we left at like 3plus?
Played somemore at home with my sister and watched tv. Went to bed at 5 heh :D
Christmas Day!
Woke up at 12.30 cause we were supposed to go to Auntie Jacqueline's for lunch :x
In the end my parents+sister went over first, I was taking too long hehe.
Went over around 2plus?
Btw she's my neighbour so I just had to walk over lol.
Auntie Jacq has the best christmas food :D
She makes her own turkey yknow o:
Played with her dog, and had like three glasses of wine :x
Cause my dad was drinking, so I asked for a glass too. Then add and add until it became three glasses heh.
And omg they have like five mahjong sets!!
Apparently one set's Auntie Jacq's 'lucky tiles' and another's Uncle Patrick's. Don't know why they have three more sets though o.o
Left for home at 7, watched tv and went over to my uncle's house for mahjong session heh :D
Yay I hu-ed two out of five rounds! But Rowena Jiejie won the most cause she had like qing yi se o:
All I feed her one leh! Including the winning tile. Omg :(
Then my cousin, Rowena Jiejie, Yanfang and Yew Hock left for Starbucks. So I lazed around at my aunt's house till 12, then went home (:
Christmas was great as usual :D
Hope y'all had a jolly good time yourselves!
Feliz Navidad!
'Tis the season to be jolly
I miss y'all :(
Anw I guess it's time for another post before I get nagged at again :x
Thanksgiving BBQ
Was fun :) Tina, Shumei, Sophy and Nicola(sp?) were really nice :D
Hmm we played games at Bedok Reservoir, then went back to The Aquarius for the BBQ.
Ate at the playground, and Wenxin and I realised that we were on the exact same slide as Shumei and Sophy, only opposite. LOL.
Then it was christmas carols! :D
Made Auntie Pauline and Uncle Choon Leng do stuff to get their gifts, was tons of fun :D
Mm then packed up and left.
Lol and Wenxin and I decided to have a sleepover at her house like last minute, on the bus o.o
Wenxin: Eh d'you want to sleepover? :D :D :D
Wenxin: :D :D :D Askaskask!
Me: Hello Daddy can I sleepover at Wenxin's? :D
Hehheh. So we talked, surfed the net, and watched Ratatouille(!!) till about 4? Lol can't rmb.
And we were like dying(no actually it was just Wenxin but I'm nice so I say 'we') so we had Nachos haha :D
Woke up the next day to catch Amazing Race! :D
Yay Nick and Starr won hoogagahehehohohaha~
But it was freaking cold, like freeeezinggg D: Then we had to walk around the house covered in blankets o.o
Made breakfast and watched Daddy Day Care :D I think I watched it like four times alr o.o
Anw, got lunch after the show, and planned games for the 6A party :D
Planned till Daddy came to fetch me home, then had to go :(
Bolt outing w party planners!
Was supposed to wear 6A class tee but I couldn't find mine :x
Anw we met at TM then went to get tickets and gummies from Mini Toons hehe :D
(Eh Rachel we very long never go tgt alr!)
Then walked around deciding whether to go for lunch or just get snacks o.o
Settled for lunch @ Macs in the end. And Hoekang blames us cause he went w the flow and got McSpicy, apparently it was too spicy for him o.o You weirdo haha.
Saw Brandon and everyone was going mad over his height (esp Shelton). LOL.
Waited for Kelvin at the cinema then went in.
The movie was greattt :D
(Sorry Dawn+Wenxin :( I'll watch with y'all again if you want k!)
And omg I love Rhino!!! He's like a huge fur ball o.o
Went to NTUC after the movie, supposedly to get plates and cups for the party.
In the end we decided to get it on the day itself :/
So went to Hoekang's house to slack! K actually we were supposed to complete all the planning but we ended up using the karaoke set and playing cards/mahjong :x
And I hu-ed 3 times :D :D :D
We played 7 rounds I think o.o Not bad right!
HAHAHA. X'mas party :D Got even more people to play hehe.
Anw, left around 7.30 cause Jiepin's dad came (:
Yay 6A x'mas party's tmr hehe can't wait.
K now I've to go call people to do last minute confirmation :/
And the Truth+Dare thingy, haven't finished writing heh :x
K byeee love y'all :D
Christmas in four days!
(Oh and Bob won Survivor yay :D)
Tag replies!
maureen :D :D :D I was jumping and cheering hehe.
dawn Yay you're back! :D And it was a last minute thing :x haha I think you'll like the christmas gift I got for you :D
sinyee posted alr! Not that long compared to last time lah hehheh :x
charmaine I posted alr! Heh :x K I tryyyy to post more often alright! Try. :D
mark/rachel Posted!
yangzhi Eh I'm not abandoning her lor! I'm a good friend ok! HAHAHA.

Don't you agree that Rhino's one of the cutest things on earth?
Omg shit I just realised I haven't finished writing cards D:
At Wenxin's house now, just got back from the Thanksgiving BBQ. Was fun :D
Sleeping over!
Heh shall post in detail when I get home.
Now y'all can all stay at home while I have fun at Wenxin's.
K byeeeee!
And can I pleaseeeee not reply tags? :x
I think with the amount of tags I've to reply it'd take like five posts D:
And I hear the sound of mahjong tiles from my neighbour's house omg it's torture.
Was supposed to go to Sinyee's house to play mahjong today but I couldn't find my house keys, so can't go since I'm the only one at home .__.
Anw Wenxin's house tmr yay.
Ramly Burgers, Sweettalk and chatchat :D
2J chalet @ Aranda!
Was nothing short of awesome/fantastic/brilliant/amazing :D
I ♥ 2J!
Day 1
Couldn't meet up w Rachel Qiurui and Wenting cause my dad insisted on sending me out so I had to wait for him .__.
(I just recovered from a fever like the night before o.o so yeah, explains his anxiety lol.)
Mm so reached the chalet at about 5?
Haha and as expected, they were playing cards in the room. So went in to watch them play :D
Went to play Twister w Char and Rachel when they got back from buying drinks, and I tell you NEVER let wilson control the wheel cause apparently he doesn't use it. He just uses his eyes to see which spot will be like the most torturous and yeah, you die.
Like Rachel who fell out laughing and rolled all over.
Wilson got me into all types of positions I think I became Catwoman o.o
Hehheh then it was the Wilson/Bryan round HARHARHAR.
So no wheel lor :D
Char and I created a masterpiece of butt-sniffing and Wilson practically complained throughout the whole thing. And Bryan giggled in glee .__.
Mm then skipskip to BBQ.
It was so good :D And fun!
Haha we were like trying to poke the sausages w/o using our hands but in the end we just gave up and went to wash our hands lol.
Went to help out with BBQing at the first part, with the sausages and satays, but then I got tired and went to slack :x
The chicken wings were greattt and really well done :D
So all in all clapclap for the ones who helped w the BBQ! And Janet's brother for starting the fire :D
Oh then we played 老鹰抓小鸡 and it was loads and loads of fun :D
I was Mama Hen! Hahahaha.
Sorry Wilson and Chengyee I know I pushed y'all away like really hard :x
And I kinda um, screamed POKPOKKEH~ into Chengyee's face alot of times so um, hehe?
Then it was Bryan o.o
So I took satay sticks to poke him if he came near HAHAHA :D
Pictures on Clara's blog!
Click (here) :D
Mm then we packed up and Janet Mark Zhangyang Gordon and I walked over to Cheers to get cup noodles and more drinks :D
And Gordon is damn cute can. On the way we passed by the bar or smth then there was this jazz music so he and Mark just started waltzing through the carpark, and Gordon looked like he was in paradise hahaha.
Went back and caught abit of the 9pm show. Then took a bath and had the guys banging on the door like the world was gna end cause I told them to tell me when Amazing Race started .__.
Lol if I didn't have a brother banging on the door all the time at home I probably would have died of a heart attack o.o
Mm yeah so watched more tv till like 1plus? And Rachel Char and I attempted to camwhore in the living room HAHAHA. It was so funny, with all the retarded smiles and stuff.
Then went in to watch the people gambling.
Sinyee's luck was omgz O:
Photos with Clara's DSLR :D
Sorry to the people outside, we were really noisy :x
Went to sleep at 6? Yeah think so o.o
Day 2
Apparently Sinyee says my face was in hers when she woke up so bonjourrrr :D
Breakfast @ Macs then WWW :D
Shiok River was greattt, went for alotalot of rounds haha. Then we went for the Tsunami thing, and that huge float that slides down from really high o.o
Got separated from the others lol then we went for the purple slide thingy in an attempt to look for them from higher ground haha. Though in the end we really did see Zhangyang from up there o.o
Oh then we went for that huge pail of water thing. Wlao damn pain can, and it washed away my clip lol o.o Then after that we all loooked like mad women w our hair all over our faces.
Saw the others at the U-shaped thing so went to join them.
And Char you pangseh me lor :(
Haha in the end Janet went w me, she was more than happy to lol :D
Ice&Water at the kiddy playground was funnn heh. And Yuhua's like a bullet when he runs in water o.o I was like running away from him then he caught me and flew towards Rachel and caught her too. HAHAHA.
The rest went for the U-shaped thing again but I sat out. Rachel was damn funny hahaha. I think she sent all the birds flying to the other side of Singapore O:
Got a really bad sunburn after that, and it lasted for dayyyys :( Then I began moulting .__.
Went back to the chalet for mahjong! (my new fav game :D :D :D)
Hehe alot of people got addicted to it. We went to Vivienne's house to play on Thursday, and I won $2.50 :D Yuhua hu-ed more than me but he only won 20cents HAHAHA.
(after mahjong session @ Vivienne's)
Yiren: Nata do you see 3H in the future? :D
Me: Yeahyeahhhhhh :D
Hahaha, yeah back to chalet.
So we played throughout the night and probably created tons of scratches on the Aranda table hoho :x
Was feeling kinda tired so went to sleep while the others continued.
Day 3
Woke up early cause Janet was nagging us to get up hahaha. Packed up all our stuff and cleaned up the chalet.
AND the toilet in the girls' room was like locked w no one inside. And my toothbrush was inside D:
Omg right.
Lol then Yiren comes along and does whoknowswhat to the door and it opened o.o Hahaha thanks, you can go be a locksmith next time or smth :D
Mm so packpackpack and then we left :(
Went bowling at Kovan after that w Chengyee Kimberly Yuhua Mark Yiren and Zhangyang. I totally had no strength at all O:
Then lunch at KFC. Yay I finally got my Zinger haha. Yiren and I wanted to walk out to get Zingers the night before but we figured KFC was closed by then :/
Then mahjong session at Chengyee's house!
:D :D :D
Told you we were addicted haha.
Yay then bus-ed home w Yuhua and Mark.
Did I mention how much I love 2J?
Oh, I did.
Here it is again :D
I ♥ 2J!
I ♥ 2J!
I ♥ 2J!
I ♥ 2J!
I ♥ 2J!
K I know this is damn overdue and Dawn probably wants to chop me into pieces and throw me into the ocean :x
Fine, maybe the whole world wants to do that :/
Have fun reading (:
Last day of school. Though it didn't really feel like we were gna be separated in the earlier part of the day o.o We were kinda like hyper and stuff :D
Watched the videos Wilson and Haonan made for the class.
(Btw Haonan made a Jubix DVD for all of us and it has it's own cover and stuff. Cool right :D Thanks Haonan!)
Then it was kinda like photo taking session haha. Everyone just bounced up to everyone and got photos taken with everyone :D
Makes sense, no?
And I think Mark kinda had this rush to take weird photos, like 心血来潮 yknow. And Rachel, you'd be glad to know that I learnt that phrase from your very frequent usage of it :D Heh, before that I never knew such a phrase even existed o.o
Anw so yeah took photos with alottttt of people, like Bryan!
-bounces around-
Shall post pictures when I get them from Sinyee and Char.
(Thanks Clara for the email heh :D)
Then we got even more hyper and did the Chicken Dance hehehe :D
Wenxin was there to witness all our madness LOL.
It was so fun i tell ya, the chicken dance should be made into some official form of exercise or smth cause if you did all the swirls and stuff like you're supposed to, you actually start to pant, and maybe perspire o.o
HAHA though it was still tons of fun in our three aircons classroom! :D
Bounced down to 2H with Sinyee after that to take photos w the dancers, though in the end only Weewee and Jialing were there o.o Danced diamonds! :D And did other random dance stuff hehe.
Then bounced over to 2E to look for Cas, interrupted her game heh :x
Me: (shouting) Cas come out after your game! Wanna take photo with you!
Cas: (shouting equally loudly) HUH??
Me: Later come out and take photo w us! (does weird photo taking gestures with hands)
Cas: Huh I cannot hear!!!
Me: O.O Just come out later lah!
Cas: Err..
1 second later she pops out of her classroom
Cas: What were you saying?
HAHAHA I think the people that actually heard us thought we were deaf or smth o.o
Mm then went back to class to pack up our stuff and left for the gym.
Had to teach the entire level the homecoming cheer and it was like hell plus hell .__.
Omg can I never knew how hard it was for the teachers to get our attention or even just to make us keep quiet :/
Seriously it's damn hard and frustrating. (claps for teachers)
Luckily we had Grace the power woman :D
Grace: Eh can y'all keep quiet.
Everyone: -silence-
Though it still wasn't very successful in the end :/
Haha saw some people cheering so thanks if you cheered :D
Then it was interclass prize presentation and class league.
We got second!!!
:D :D :D
Compared to last year's we improved like sooooo much so yay for 2J :D
Second leh!
2A got first, yay for y'all haha :D
Mm then Mr Yeo's signature videos with tons of pictures, and then it was singing of the level song, which got alot of people crying (cause I turned over towards the 2A-2D side and saw the 2D girls crying really badly D:).
And after level song ended I started .__.
Like welling up but control like sai, people crowd around, everything flow down.
I tell you I seriously can't hide it when I cry man, my eyes turn damn red like immediately .__.
Then Cass and Rachel Lam came over to take photos but my eyes were so red omg. And that stupid Rachel ah, ask me not to cry but her eyes were equally red k!
Lol I think I looked like an idiot smiling with a red nose and watery eyes. Maybe I looked like a white Rudolph with um, eye drops o.o
Went back to class and saw more people crying. Oh tian D:
So I started again .__.
LOL I know I'm stupid. Haha then Mark was gna express his concern in the 'Mark' way then I think Char scolded him HAHAHA :x
Had to rush to meet Wenxin and Simlin after that so couldn't stay longer :( Gave hugs and left.
6A chalet!
Was awesome to the maxxxx. Though I was still feeling terrible from the crying :/
Thanks for the hug Wenxin, I think I wet your sleeve :x
Day 2 (cause I missed Day 1 for French movie :/ but Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis was great with Junyi and Clara :D)
Met Dawn on the train and went to the chalet tgt :D
And we went to Whitesands for lunch and got a hugee surprise from the guys o.o
Mm yeah well they wanted us to get disposable underwear for them :/
HAHA then we stood outside Watsons for more than five minutes deciding whether or not we should get it o.o
In the end we didn't HAHA :x
Met the rest at E!Hub (btw I finished my whole meal before the bus came hehe. I know I rock :D). Shopped at NTUC for stuff, like mushmellows(HAHA)!
Back to the chalet after that :D
Yay and I got my birthday present from Dawn :D I still owe you yours :x
Oh and on the way back to the chalet we passed by the Costa Sands swimming pool. Yknow the one at Downtown East that you can see the people inside. Well yeah it was kinda disturbing since we had Shelton narrating a mile long story even after we left o.o nevertheless it was um, entertaining yeah :D
Slacked at the chalet then Wenxin came! :D
That girl bought 30packs(I think o.o) of Cheese Rings omgz O: HAHA though it was funny seeing her carrying that huge bag of crackers in :D Everyone was like omg what did you buy sia!!! HAHAHA.
Oh, and Wilson is retarded. He plays with the plastic balls thingo at Aloha Loyang o.o HAHAHA.
Wenxin and Hoekang called someone at the chalet(I forgot who o.o) to get me to go to the bball court. I reached, turned around, and saw Wilson Toh staring at me through the glass panel o.o HAHAHA then we were like screaming with joy at each other :D
Went back to help out w BBQ preparation :D
The guys+Wenxin helped start the fire then the rest helped w the food :D
Dawn and I were like trying to thaw the chicken wings so badly lol.
We were like massaging them in water so that they could thaw faster HAHAHA. Retarded, I know, but it works! Then we were kinda um, tired so we passed the chicken wings to AhMa and Wenkai heh.
And I tell you AhMa is damn good at separating the chicken wings. I spend like five minutes trying to separate two chicken wings, I pass it to him and he takes like five seconds to separate ALL the chicken wings O.O
Then we started BBQing~
Hehe was tons of fun :D I helped w the sausages and chicken wings! Three cheers for everyone who helped :D
Walked Simlin to the bus stop after the BBQ along w Dawn Wenxin and Hoekang. Saw AhMa along the way cause he was going back to the chalet from walking Wenkai to the bus stop. And we pulled him along HAHA. He was complaining all the way :D
Blasted music along the way heh. Then we started singing! :D And Dawn started singing this weird jolly jolly happy song o.o She's like way crazier than me can! K maybe not :/
Started a cleaning session when we got back to the chalet. I think we can start a 6A cleaning company haha. We'll be like some five star cleaning company man :D
Then we played Truth w/o Dare haha. It was um, very interesting. And we really opened up I guess. Like everyone just admitted to things you wouldn't expect normally (: It was a nice moment, like bonding session haha. And Yangzhi now you know alotttt of stuff so it's time I start knowing some stuff, no? -beaaaaaam-
Heh, then Lixin and Xueyi had to leave so all of us went with them to wait for Xueyi's dad. Then on the way back to the chalet we started singing songs again :D And Wenxin has a recording of it omg o.o Was doing Maths @ her house that day when her music player auto played it. I tell you I almost died of a heart attack D: Doing Maths halfway suddenly got "lalala~ omg damn dark leh! lalala~"
K back to the chalet. Played more stuff like Indian Poker and that weird game w humming and fingers o.o though it was tons of fun :D
And AhMa and Wenkai(he came back lol) left to cycle at like 12am O.O Dawn said they came back at like 4+ ..
Wenxin was the first to die! And she took a bed to herself so Dawn and I had to share the other. Boo you Wenxin :( Hehe. And the fan in our room made this really weird noise when it turned so we ended up laughing everytime it creaked o.o
Day 3
Woke up cause the guys were on the verge of banging down our door HAHAHA. Packed up and waited for Hoekang's mum to come check out :D
Went for breakfast @ Macs and observed Wenxin's weird eating habits hahaha. Hmm, then Wenkai and AhMa left.
Bowling at E!Hub :D It's been ages since I last touched a bowling ball o.o Heh not bad, still could spare. And I don't rmb bowling the ball into the gutter so that's good hehe :D
Went to the arcade to play the ball game. Haha it's really fun, though you'll get muscleaches after that :/ which reminds me, I still have the tokens o.o
Caught HSM3 after that :D And because we were at the arcade all the while, we didn't have time to get snacks. So Dawn Shelton and I rushed down to NTUC at the last five minutes and grabbed snacks haha it was so funny. Like speed shopping, then we chionged up again o.o
The movie was greatttt :D the dances were like omg O:
Hopped over to Hoekang's house after the movie to hang out. Don't think we did much, though I rmb we made a mess, again, as usual :x
Sorry Hoekang heh.
I think your cups really don't like us. First we spill the drink, then we break a cup :/
In the end when it got kinda late, we were left with just Dawn Hoekang Chan An and me. So we had a nice chat, and a bet that Dawn couldn't stay quiet for a minute HAHA.
Sorry Dawn :D
So there was this 'Dawn trying to keep quiet and ends up making weird faces' period. Well actually a few times, cause we kept betting that she couldn't stay quiet. HAHAHA :x
Hmm then time to go home. So Chan An waited at the bus stop and Hoekang walked Dawn and I to Eastpoint cause we wanted to eat out. Then in the end he decided to pon tuition to eat with us! Aww :D
Hehe so we had Eighteen Chefs :D And yay for Hoekang! He who does not touch cheese ate cheese baked rice O: HAHAHA.
So we talkedtalkedtalked till it got kinda late, then Hoekang went home and Dawn and I went to walk around :D
Went to the christian bookshop and this gift shop that sells really nice cards :D The guy there is a really good salesman, he tries to sell you almost everything o.o And he will talk until you sound like their most valued customer O.O
Oh yah, and there were these mannequins at one of the boutiques that had really weird faces o.o Then we were like mimicking them and it was like
HAHAHA couldn't stop laughing.
Mm then it was getting late so we had to go home :(
Yay done :D
2J chalet in another post or this will break the record for wordiest post ever O:
Haha k pictures another time I'm lazy now :D